Create an Event App and Unleash the Power of Technology

Create an Event App and Unleash the Power of Technology in 2024

There are many sporting events, such as exhibitions, festivals, conferences, meetups, and exhibitions worldwide. They may be dedicated to various causes and engage people from different backgrounds and preferences. One thing they all have in common is that they benefit from using technology.

Event planning software has proven to be a potent method of engaging an audience, providing a better experience, and maximizing an organizer’s work. As per Mordor Intelligence, the market for event technology is expected to expand by 10.65 percent between 2019 and 2025.

An increasing number of event planners are opting to create event planning and organizer applications. People who are not professionals also use these apps to organize their events without hassle. The facts associated with event-organizing apps are promising. If you are thinking of going with event & ticket booking app development, you’re in the right place.

This article will cover how to create an event-related app. Before that, let’s give an overview of the app for events.

What Is an Event Planning App?

This organizer and event planner application is a program specifically designed to aid users in planning or organizing their events. The apps help users manage their events while engaged in their daily lives.

The primary goal of any event is flawless and predictable management. This is where these applications come into play. They can accomplish what we need by using effective tools and including sophisticated features and functions to help make events successful.

Different Types of Event Planning Applications

There are numerous kinds of events that you should consider when designing an event-booking app; each has its unique requirements. This implies that they require software that can be specific to the needs of their customers. Here are three examples of mobile applications that deal with events.

>Local Events

Local events happen every day in our local communities. However, how do businesses and their customers keep up? Companies such as Meetup and Eventbrite play an important role in this area. They let users search for local activities by entering their exact location or browsing categories, as well as aiding communication between users and others who share similar interests.

>Festivals & Events

Many holidays are celebrated throughout the year worldwide. A way to notify users about planned activities in their area during the Christmas season is available. After all the data is available, anyone can sign up without difficulty.

>Corporate Events, Conferences & Meetings

Events and corporate gatherings could be a disaster without event software. Large-scale events are easier to plan and organize with the assistance of experts and can help you save time spent interacting with guests. Businesses could be targeted by creating applications for booking events with particular features. You could concentrate on only one of these features or create event management software that includes all the options. Pick the one that will work most effectively for you, according to your business type and the kind of customers you wish to draw.

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How Can Businesses Benefit From Event Management and Planning Applications?

The advantages of using an Event Management Software application are numerous and really depend on the type of features and services you’d like to include. From a simple seating-booking app for planning events to a complete super event management application, the possibilities are endless when it comes to creating an app that can be used on mobile devices for different occasions.

Here are some advantages:

How Can Businesses Benefit From Event Management and Planning Applications?

>Business Network

The events are attended by various people as well as other service providers, including staging and equipment, microphones, sound equipment, and drinks and food in certain instances. Event management software has the potential to build an established professional network with different companies and service sectors. Furthermore, these entrepreneurs will have direct access to highly influential individuals such as athletes, politicians, actors, singers, and musicians.

>Feedback and Reviews

In the eyes of many companies, Reviews and feedback are the best way to improve your product or service and establish fool proof strategies for running your business. A regular review of feedback received from users or customers will assist you in identifying the grey areas in your event management application or business. By utilizing these suggestions, you will be able to modify your business plans and strategies and try to fix the issues identified by the users. This will help you to take your company’s event management to higher levels.

>Better Engagement

Event management is a symbol of glamour and glory. Celebrities from television, film, music, and the entertainment business attend many events. Therefore, event management applications are designed to be visually appealing, with vivid colors and simple navigation. This results in greater user involvement and a higher conversion rate.


As your event management company app gains popularity and grows, your list of potential sponsors could also increase. However, you could get large sponsorships from reputable corporations and companies. Of course, besides the sponsors in the application, there are advertisers. This will help you earn a decent amount of money.

>Assured Revenue

In any business, ensuring a steady flow of revenue and online event management software can help you achieve this. There are many revenue-generating strategies for event management that you could incorporate into your application. If you follow the right monetization strategies, you will ensure a consistent income stream from various sources.

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Business Models for Event Management App Development

Let’s clarify that a single event application cannot fulfill every business need. Events apps come in many styles and designs based on their function. 

Three different business models can be used for event app development, depending on your needs:

Business Models for Event Management App Development

>Dedicated Event App

Festivals, big events, or conferences use their branding apps to allow attendees access to all the required information in one location. Most of the time, these applications offer many functions in preparation for the event and also attending the event, which includes

  • Tickets are purchased and verified identity
  • Accessing the venue via the QR code or barcode scanner
  • Participating in virtual activities, such as live streaming, chat rooms, and voting
  • Accessing a program for the event and an outline of the venue
  • Receiving notifications about the program beginning
  • A virtual wallet can be added for making purchases on-site, such as snacks or other items

These are the fundamental elements needed to build an event app that will make it easy for attendees.

>Event Aggregator App

The most commonly used event app is an aggregator. These local event apps function as a means of bringing together different events and selling tickets to them. Event aggregators act as intermediaries between organizers and individuals searching for an activity to participate in.

These apps usually permit the addition of events of any type and scale, ranging from rockstar world tours to tiny ceramic workshops. Most of these apps include filters allowing users to locate events based on their location, date, range, or theme.

>Event Planning App

Wedding or book club events or company conference workshops for crafts, with an event application for private events, users can create to-do lists, send invitations, create reminders, build guest lists, and more. Although sometimes, event planning app creation is a one-size-fits-all solution that can be customized depending on the type of event or size, other apps are geared towards a specific kind of event, like weddings or conferences.

Steps to Follow for Event Management App Development

Let’s look at the process of developing mobile apps to create an event-related app.

There are some simple steps you must follow. The steps are listed below:

Steps to Follow for Event Management App Development

>Analyze the App Market

The first step is to look over market trends. If you’re considering developing your business, Consider its competitiveness and potential. In your research, you might realize that this market is already crowded with competitors offering the best solutions.

Research market trends to help develop new ideas that can be transformed into incredible mobile app features. Examining competition can help you understand how to beat them. In addition, it can help you determine how to attract your users.

>Decide Development Tech Stack

The technology you choose to use affects the performance of the application development. Based on the project you are working on, the developers will employ various mobile app technologies like Flutter or React Native. The need for detailed requirements on your product allows you to choose the best technology stack for your project. Therefore, during this phase, you need to list the requirements for features you would like to see in an event app, arrange all of your specifications, and allow developers and analysts to develop your ideal mobile application for events.

>UI/UX Design

UX/UI design is essential to making your platform more user-friendly and attractive to consumers. Designers make wireframes for future platforms using the Figma mobile application UI design software to visualize how features are laid out and overall sketches. Make sure to use a pleasing palette of colors, fonts, and imagery matching your event’s theme and brand. Be aware that a successful event mobile application isn’t only about function but also about creating a memorable and enjoyable user experience.


The development process begins after the criteria are all set and the Figma UI prototypes have been completed. The engineers must create an elegant platform based on the client’s requirements. Clients are given short time limitations called sprints. The engineers track their progress throughout every sprint. The client evaluates the results, and along with the team, they discuss the progress and decide which next step to follow.

After that, you can create your own digital product, collect important feedback from customers who have already purchased it, and then improve your product based on their feedback. For the sake of clarity, it is best to work with an experienced company to develop an event app that can manage the project from beginning to completion.

>Data Safety

The online use of meeting planning solutions requires exchanging sensitive data. To ensure that no data leaks occur, make sure you consider the security of data in the development of conference apps. Inaccurate decisions in this area can cause the possibility of fines or criminal charges. Hiring mobile app developers to assist you with these issues before they become a problem is also possible.


Quality assurance engineers check software for bugs, vulnerabilities, and system problems, which are then communicated to the event management app development team. It is essential while developing software as it guarantees no issues or data leaks that might hinder users.

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Top Strategies for Monetizing Event Planning Applications

The advantages of using the app to plan events are obvious; however, how can you earn profit from it? There are a variety of strategies that work with different types of apps.

>In-App Ads

This is the most common method to monetize the app. However, there are two crucial requirements to make it work. First, your app must already be popular and well-known and well-known. If not, the ad publishers you use won’t get many leads for your application. Additionally, you must match your ads’ theme to your application’s design. For instance, if it is a wedding planner application and the ads are focused on wedding-related items or services. Also, it is important that the advertisements aren’t distracting for customers – otherwise, they’ll abandon the app for planning events.

>Promoted Listings

This monetization method is appropriate for event-related apps that allow users to purchase tickets. For instance, some event organizers may advertise their events and make their advertisements more prominent on the front page for a longer duration.

>Fees and Commissions

The second strategy can be combined with this strategy to generate revenue for your event app or even as a standalone. In this scenario, you’ll receive an amount from each event you organize, and you can sell tickets via your app.

Contact to develop event management app


It is also possible to allow customers to sign up for your app and access your advanced features or offer unlimited use options. This kind of monetization strategy is ideal for B2B event planners, such as the wedding planner app previously mentioned, which is utilized by professional companies.

Must-Have Features to be Included in Event Management Software

What features would you like to see in your event management application? You could seek the advice of market research experts or consult the ticket booking app development company you select. The aim is to include aspects of your application that will distinguish your app from other products. Giving users something unique will be a winning factor in the event management industry. 

Here’s a checklist of features you must include

Must-Have Features to be Included in Event Management Software

>Event Information

Information on events is undoubtedly an essential element of any event management software. This means that you must fully explain the event’s details, including the location, venue, dates, times, and main participants or guests. Correct information should be provided to patrons or users, and a misstep could have devastating consequences. So, the people responsible for placing event information elements must be knowledgeable and honest.

>Event Sessions and Schedules

Users are informed of the upcoming events and events to be held shortly to plan. For example, celebrations on Christmas Eve could be advertised and open for reservations one or two months in advance. This allows patrons to have more options or book ahead to avoid last-minute stress.

>GPS-Enabled Services

Mobile event management applications that are GPS-enabled can help attendees get to the venue without any difficulty. Integration with third-party APIs such as Google Maps or Calendar will allow you to provide customers with a variety of features, including reminders for events and advice on the most efficient route (along with an estimated time to get there) to their destination. This can help plan the event more effectively.

>Reminders and Notifications

As mentioned earlier, third-party API integration or built-in capabilities of reminders and notifications could assist patrons in setting an alarm or setting an email just an hour or hours before the event. Also, announcing any changes to the date of the event can be a useful feature that informs users of any changes and helps them save precious time and effort. For business owners, trigger notifications like new registrations will aid in managing the event more effectively.

>Search and Book

Users who are interested in specific events can be booked. While the app’s event management feature initially displays the highlighted content for users, it is recommended to allow search and book seats on top of the app’s interface. Accessing an event directly should be straightforward so all users can use the app. A few taps and a simple typing process will make this feature stand out.

>Chat and Communicate

Another key aspect of an event management application is allowing users to chat and communicate with the event support team or other users and patrons. If there is a delay in answering questions regarding events, it will result in discontent, and customers may get bored. You can also create a team and create a chatbot as event management software to respond quickly and accurately.

>Real-Time Analytics

For the owners of event management companies, it’s essential to use analytical tools to develop and implement effective strategies for the future. The data gathered from the built-in analytics function in the app for managing events will comprehensively analyze how events perform. Using various pieces of event information and information from the users makes it possible to discern the popularity of an event or genre in a particular area and location.

>Social Media Sharing

Sharing social media content is among the most beneficial tools for event management and planning. Word of mouth is a great way to promote your business, and sharing information on social media platforms does the same. Making these features available to patrons and customers will give the app an edge and provide automatic publicity when people share their experiences with friends via their social media accounts.

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Cost of Developing an Event Planning Application

Let’s now address how important it is to develop an event app. There isn’t a single price for all apps because the cost depends on the scope of work, the design complexity, the feature set, the mobile platform of choice, and even the location of the team that develops it. 

When you decide to work with an outsourcing mobile app development company, the cost of producing an MVP (minimum feasible app) event app could range around $15,000-$30,000.

Hire event management app development company

The Key Takeaway

If you follow the steps laid out in this article—beginning with the definition of your app’s purpose and making sure you are ready to launch it successfully—you can create an app for events that will set your company apart.

The entertainment industry can’t operate without tickets and events. Technologies are everywhere, from purchasing theater tickets to making appointments.

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Many companies use on-demand event booking applications to manage business operations and deliver more user-friendly experiences.

It is crucial to understand that mobile apps allow businesses to run their operations via apps and on the internet much better and add the most value to their business operations. Additionally, ticket booking for events applications enhances the user’s experience with a platform for easy booking and transparent transactions.

Sandeep Agrawal

Sandeep Agrawal is the visionary CTO at InventCoLabs, bringing innovation to life through his technical expertise. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, Sandeep leads the team in developing robust solutions. His dedication and continous efforts to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible defines his role as a transformative and innovative force in the tech industry.
