Medicine Delivery App Development Guide: NowRx for Pharmacy 2024

Medicine Delivery App Development Guide: NowRx for Pharmacy in 2024

Looking forward to 2024 and the intersection between technology and healthcare, it becomes evident that demand for apps that send prescriptions has steadily grown since 2016. Many factors contribute to this increase, including smartphone popularity worldwide and people needing access to healthcare services.

The global e-pharmacy market, comprising applications that transmit medications, is projected to reach $177 billion by 2026 and grow annually at 17.3% from 2019 to 2026, reflecting increasing consumer interest in online services that deliver medications directly.

In this article, we’ll go into depth regarding medicine delivery app development: its benefits, various business models and features of popular online medicine delivery apps, and more! Let’s dive deep into this essential guide so we can turn your business concept into a successful medication delivery app!

What Is A Medicine Delivery App?

As the name implies, a mobile application for medicine delivery is a smartphone application designed to ease the distribution of prescription drugs from pharmacies to customers. It functions as a digital platform that connects customers, pharmacies, and delivery staff. Users can look up a variety of medicines in an online store, pay online, and then have them delivered right to their doorstep.

A mobile app for medicine delivery is an enormous technological advancement in the health industry. This app bridges the gap between the traditional pharmacy and the online medical world. It makes healthcare accessible and affordable for everyone. By facilitating the process of procuring the required medicines, these apps play a vital part in improving the patient’s compliance and overall health outcomes.

Different Types of Pharmacy Delivery Apps

The benefits of an online pharmacy application depend on the products you provide users. There is a wide range of options to select from.

Different Types of Pharmacy Delivery Apps

>Supply Chain Management

An efficient supply chain management process is vital to your application’s specific and real-time capabilities.

>Pharmaceutical CRM Software

Pharmaceutical CRM Software proposes cloud-based CRM to its customers that can safely save users’ complete details. The information can include customer data, required user details, and inventory information.

>Centralized Inventory

Join the consumers at local pharmacies with on-demand medicine delivery from local medical stores.

In addition, you could sell directly using a central inventory. Typically, the top Pharmaceutical businesses communicate directly with their customer base without the need for an intermediary. Additionally, you can digitize your local pharmacy’s physical stores by using an application.

If you already have a brand, you could have an online pharmacy network to gain new customers and expand the business faster and more efficiently.

>Inventory Management Software

There is also Inventory management software. It aids pharmacies in keeping track of important information and keeping it systematic. This includes keeping track of shipments, orders, inventories, and the provision of medication. With an integrated 24-hour pharmacy app, you’ll use delivery and sales software. Software or applications that allow offline and online storage of your distribution and sales processes can make data records clearer.

Revenue Model for Online Medicine Delivery Application Development

With the increasing popularity of online prescription delivery apps, pharmacies can now earn money online by using various revenue models. We will look at four ways pharmacies can use these apps to earn profits.

>By Commissions

Pharmacies can earn revenue through the online delivery of medicines by charging a commission on every sale made through their apps. Typically, this commission is created as a proportion of the amount sold to the app’s creator by the pharmacy and then reimbursed as payments from the app’s owner back into the pharmacy’s account. The revenue model is very successful since both parties earn sales, while the app owner gets the commission for each sale through their app. This revenue source can benefit both parties: pharmacies can boost sales as the app’s owner earns additional revenue as a commission for each sale made through the app’s owner!

>By Advertising

Apps for online medicine delivery help pharmacies earn profits by displaying advertisements by businesses who want to promote their services or products on the app and charging businesses in exchange. This revenue model can be especially effective for pharmacies with a large customer base, who can make money from their apps without transferring costs to customers.

>Charging Delivery Fees

Pharmacies can earn additional income by charging delivery fees for orders made through their apps. This model of revenue could prove very beneficial for pharmacies that provide home delivery, as it allows them to cover the costs of delivery while earning additional revenue.

>By Surging Prices

Pharmacies can generate additional revenue in high-demand periods by raising prices during peak times and efficiently balancing their supply and demand. By increasing their prices during busy times, pharmacies can boost both their revenue and balance of supply/demand.

Online medicine delivery app development has allowed pharmacies to earn revenue through different revenue models online, which allows pharmacies to boost sales, expand their reach, and, ultimately, increase profitability. So, pharmacies that have yet to implement these apps ought to seriously consider adopting them to make the most of the rising demand for online services to deliver medication.

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Market Statistics of the Medicine Delivery Industry

Numerous factors are responsible for the growth of pharmaceutical drug delivery, including the rise in chronic disease cases and R&D investment, the introduction of new product launches, and technological advances.

With this in mind, many biopharma and pharma companies invest in R&D to develop new medications and drug delivery systems to create innovative, high-quality products.

Let’s provide specific facts and figures on why we should invest in medical app development.

  • A National Library of Medicine report revealed that the world’s online pharmacy market could be worth $206 billion in 2028, recorded as $68 billion in 2021.
  • This sector’s market share is predicted to be 23.62 percent in 2018 and rise to 30.92% in 2028.
  • The market for online pharmacies’ average profit per patient (ARPU) is anticipated to be $28.69.
  •  2024, the market could bring in the equivalent of $18,500 million.
  • In comparison to the rest of the world and in the US, at the end of 2024, approximately $387.30 billion in revenue is expected to be reached.

These numbers could indicate an increase in the app’s popularity with consumers worldwide. If these numbers convince you, let’s take action and find out the benefits a company can reap by implementing a delivery of medicine application.

Hire us for medicine delivery app development

How Do Pharma Apps for Medicine Delivery Work?

On-demand technology has transformed the buying experience in several areas, including medicine. The majority of consumers have had to visit traditional pharmacies recently. However, today, they have access to a range of apps and tools to purchase prescription drugs anytime.

Customers have access to a huge inventory of drugs available in their area through apps for prescription delivery and prescription-only drug purchases. The apps are simple and user-friendly since they function similarly to popular shopping applications.

Customers can browse categories and add items to their carts, after which they can pay. The latest on-demand delivery services for medication are extremely secure and provide numerous payment security features.

Before we talk about how to set up a medicine delivery company, let’s first look at the following questions:

Why do people prefer home delivery pharmacy apps over traditional pharmacies?

  • When it comes to medical products, online apps provide much-needed privacy. Patients do not want to divulge sensitive medical data to strangers in line at the drugstore, and medical supplies delivered online offer greater security.
  • Patients of these services will also receive push notifications that inform them when they can get their medications. Additionally, alerts could remind customers to keep their prescriptions current.
  • Reduced travel costs are particularly beneficial to those who live in rural areas. Pharmaceutical courier services will deliver the medication directly to the client’s door.
  • Customers can get complete information on drugs and their warnings, adverse effects, and so on. Additionally, patients may contact pharmacists for questions regarding the medication or its results.
  • In addition, the variety of products allows consumers to browse through them to find the lowest-priced health products.

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Benefits of Medicine Delivery App Development

In this age of digitalization, businesses in every sector are putting their services online, and healthcare is no exception. A mobile application for medicine delivery online could revolutionize how pharmacies communicate with customers and offer a variety of benefits.

Benefits of Medicine Delivery App Development

>Advanced Analytics

One of the biggest advantages of an online platform is the capability to collect and analyze information. Through an online medication delivery application, you can monitor patterns in customer behavior, detect patterns, determine which items are most sought-after, and even forecast the demand for the future.

This information is valuable and can aid you in making data-driven choices, refining your business plan, optimizing your inventory management, and ultimately improving your profitability.

>Higher Customer Engagement

An online medicine delivery app provides multiple avenues for customer engagement. From reminders about medication to personalized wellness advice along with interactive user interfaces, there are a variety of ways to keep users interested. More engagement usually leads to more customer loyalty and increased sales.

>Broader Pool Of Customers

Traditional pharmacies are restricted by their area, allowing them to serve only those within that area. Online medicine delivery apps, however, could connect with a larger market.

If your clients are located in another city or even just across the street but are unable to leave their homes, the services you offer are an easy tap away. Your business’s extended reach can dramatically boost the number of customers you serve.

>Robust Marketing Tools

If you develop a medication delivery app, it’ll be simpler to connect your app with the latest marketing tools, which is certainly a more cost-effective and efficient method than traditional marketing methods.

Push notifications, personalized suggestions, email marketing, and social media integration are only some examples. These tools will help you market new products, update customers on discounts or sales, and ensure your brand is at the top of their minds.

>Easier Customer Retention

Maintaining customers is difficult for any business. However, a web-based medicine delivery application can make this process significantly simpler. With features such as personalized deals, simple reordering, service subscriptions, and top-quality customer service, you will improve customer satisfaction and increase customers’ return for more. Keep in mind that keeping existing customers can be more economical than buying new ones.

Steps to Develop a Medicine Delivery Application

The development of apps for home delivery in pharmacies is a complicated process that requires an in-depth understanding of the healthcare app development industry and the preferences and needs of the end users.

This step-by-step guide will help you start creating your application for medicine delivery. To follow:

Steps to Develop a Medicine Delivery Application

>Conduct Market Research & Competitor Analysis

Researching the market and studying competitors is crucial to determining what features work and what doesn’t. It aids in determining the best features and helps prioritize product development.

>Outline User Personas & Requirements

Determining user personas and outlining the requirements for your product can help you focus the design process on specific objectives. A thorough wireframe can be a fantastic method of visualizing the app’s structure, flow, and features.

>Choose an App Development Model

The app’s mobile model (native web, native, or hybrid) will depend on the platform you select, your budget, and your development timeframe. Get advice from an experienced medicine delivery app development company to make an informed choice.

>Design & Develop the App

The design phase is when you begin to develop your ideas. Professionally trained UX/UI designers can help develop a visually appealing UI that is tailored to the user’s needs and provides benefits.

>Test & Debug

Testing is an important step to ensure the user experience is error-free. It is crucial to thoroughly test each feature during development to ensure they are high quality and function before the product is launched. It is essential to work with a well-established delivery app development company to do this.

>Launch and Market your App

After you’ve finished your product with all the permissions, you’re ready to make your app available and accessible to users. To increase your reach, consider developing a marketing strategy that includes content marketing strategies, such as email marketing campaigns, SEO, and social media promotions.

>Track Performance & Monitor User Feedback

Continuously monitoring and analyzing application performance is vital to ensuring long-term success. Pay attention to user feedback to better understand the preferences and needs of your intended audience. Find areas for improvement, and adjust your strategy in line with the feedback.

Explore More: How To Create A Medicine Delivery Mobile App?

Must Have Features to Include in Medicine Delivery Application

Let’s choose the most essential features of your medication doorstep delivery application.

Typically, the app that delivers prescriptions contains some of the panels below:

>User Panel

  • Registration & Profile Management
  • Prescription Uploads
  • Medicine Search & Browsing
  • Order Placement & Refill
  • Order Tracking
  • Payment Options
  • Order History
  • Feedback & Reviews
  • Loyalty Programs
  • Medication Reminders

>Pharmacy Panel

  • Prescription Verification
  • Order Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Messaging System
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • Promotions & Discounts
  • Customer Reviews & Feedback
  • Performance Tracking
  • Marketing & Promotions
  • Driver Management

>Driver Panel

  • Order Acceptance & Management
  • Order Status Updates
  • Navigation & Delivery Tracking
  • Delivery Confirmation
  • User Communication
  • Performance Feedback
  • Earnings Tracking
  • Availability Management
  • Safety & Navigation Updates
  • In-App Support

>Admin Panel

  • Feature Description
  • Pharmacy Management
  • User Management
  • Content Management
  • Driver Management (For Administration to manage the delivery team)
  • Payment Management
  • Order Management
  • Push Notifications
  • Analytics & Reporting
  • App Settings & Configuration
  • Security & Compliance

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Tech Stack for Developing a Medicine Delivery Application

It is essential to employ the appropriate tools and technology to incorporate all of these features into your app and manage it efficiently and smoothly. The technology stack you’ll use to develop your app will be clearer when you engage a mobile application development firm to develop the app to deliver prescription drugs. Here’s an outline of how your tech stack could be like:

  • Front-End Development: Java, AngularJS, CSS, HTML5
  • Android Development: Kotlin
  • iOS Development: Swift
  • Backend Development: Laravel, NodeJS, Python
  • Chats in-App: Batch
  • Payment modules Braintree SDK PayPal
  • Database: MongoDB, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, MySQL, HBase
  • Cloud-based Environment: AWS, Google Cloud
  • GPS: Google Maps SDK (Android), MapKit (iOS)
  • Push Notification: Google Cloud Messaging (Android), Apple Push (iOS), Twilio, Amazon SNS
  • Tools for Business: Google Suite, Zendesk
  • Analytics: Bigdata, Hadoop, IBM, Apache Flink, Cisco

Looking to create your own medicine delivery app like NowRx? contact us

Cost of Developing a Medicine Delivery Application

The cost of development will depend on the following factors:

  • The application’s complexity
  • How many features that you are looking to integrate in your app
  • How many platforms do you like to publish your app on?
  • The number of people that are involved in the project
  • The time required to finish the project
  • The area in which the app is currently being created.

It’s difficult to provide an exact number for medicine delivery app development cost since the total of these variables will ultimately determine the cost. On average, designing your app to deliver medicines will cost anywhere from $15,000 to $30k. This number could go up or lower based on your business’s needs.

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The Key Takeaway

Medicine delivery app development can help you grow your business by extending your client base, improving your image as a brand, making your company more efficient, and boosting revenue and sales.

The market for online pharmacies is expected to expand by around 11.57 percent in 2028. The market is likely to grow for a time.

Pharmacy Delivery apps address customers’ most pressing needs, which has resulted in a huge demand for health apps. Along with pharmacy delivery apps, additional health apps are also rising, such as fitness and health apps that are becoming the preferred choice for fitness-minded people.

The shift towards automation in our world today greatly influences the development of medical delivery apps that cater to individuals’ ever-changing requirements. Online pharmacies are expanding very rapidly.

Sandeep Agrawal

Sandeep Agrawal is the visionary CTO at InventCoLabs, bringing innovation to life through his technical expertise. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, Sandeep leads the team in developing robust solutions. His dedication and continous efforts to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible defines his role as a transformative and innovative force in the tech industry.
